Customised 3D Scanning
If your company has just purchased a 3D scanner and would like to streamline your start-up productivity, my experience can help you get an immediate return on your investment.
A customised program to suit your team's needs may include:
Field techniques and theory
Determining deliverables
Modelling Software
I also offer software training for Leica Cyclone, Faro Scene and Rhino 3D.
3D Modelling - Rhino 3D
You may have good 2D CAD skills and would like to venture into the world of 3D. My preferred 3D modelling packages is "Rhino 3D" from McNeel and Associates. It is cost effective and is one of the few 3D modelling packages that can handle 3D Point cloud data (E-57) from 3D laser scanners, and is compatible with most other larger CAD packages.